Pension ABC

A. Starting or changing my job

A1. When would I be registered with the statutory pension system in Slovenia?

The Compulsory Insurance shall cover persons, provided they fulfil the conditions stipulated in the basic Act ZPIZ-2 or in an international treaty.

The insurance relationship shall be formed on the basis of this Act through the establishment of a legal relationship providing the basis for the Compulsory Insurance.

The establishment or termination of the legal relationship shall be notified to the institution of insurance by the Employer or other entity liable for registration through the compulsory registration for or de-registration from insurance.

A2. Can I opt for a voluntary insurance?

Besides Compulsory Insurance the Act ZPIZ-2 comprises The Compulsory Supplementary Pension Insurance (or Occupational Retirement Provision) and The Voluntary Supplementary Pension Insurance as well.

A3. Who pays the contributions?

The Republic of Slovenia shall ensure the functioning of the Compulsory Insurance by determining the rate of contributions, imposing the compulsory payment of contributions of Employers and Insured Persons, setting out rules governing the compulsory admission to the insurance, the mode of assessment, payment and recovery of contributions, and the conditions for the recognition, assessment and enjoyment of rights, by arranging the system of personal data records and supervision over securing individual rights.

The Republic of Slovenia shall guarantee the payment of pensions and other benefits arising from the Compulsory Insurance hereunder to recipients also when the expenditures of the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (ZPIZ) exceed the income from the Compulsory Insurance contributions. In this case, the difference shall be covered from the national budget and/or from other sources.

The Republic of Slovenia shall guarantee the functioning of the Occupational Retirement Provision and Supplementary Insurance, and shall supervise the operations of the institutions thereof.

A4. Can I claim for a refund of my contributions if I leave Slovenia again?

No, you can claim only for the right of pension.

A5. Are my times of pension insurance in Slovenia taken into account in other countries and vice versa?

The Institute (ZPIZ) is the competent institution and liaison body for the implementation of the entitlements under international social security regulations. As a competent institution, it conducts entitlement procedures for the insured who were members of the insurance schemes in Slovenia and abroad, and pays benefits abroad. As a liaison body in the field of pension and disability insurance it exchanges information on legislation with liaison bodies in other countries, reports statistical data and takes position regarding the implementation of bilateral international social security agreements.

In European Union international insurance is regulated by EU legislation on the coordination of social security systems (Regulation (EU) No 883/2004 and Regulation (EU) No 987/2009). These regulations apply to EU member states, Liechtenstein, Island, Norway and Switzerland. The Republic of Slovenia has concluded the following bilateral international agreements on social insurance with non-Member States:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Montenegro
  • Canada, a separate agreement with Quebec
  • Macedonia
  • Serbia

A6. What should I do before leaving Slovenia with regard to my statutory pension?

Nothing special, because for every Insured Person covered by the Compulsory Insurance, the Institute shall keep informative personal records of Compulsory Insurance. The informative personal records shall include the data on the bases from which contributions were paid in, on charged contributions for individual years, on the payment of contributions for individual years and on the period of insurance. The Institute shall enable electronic access to the data kept in the informative personal records to the persons to whom the data pertains.

B. My pension benefits

B1. What benefits and services does the Slovenian state pension scheme provide?

The scheme includes the right to pension (old-age, disability, survivor’s, widow/er’s, and partial pension), disability insurance entitlements (such as occupational rehabilitation, temporary benefits, etc.) and the right to a yearly bonus and the right to an assistance and attendance allowance. There are some special schemes covering farmers, military personnel etc.

B2. Is there a qualifying period for my statutory retirement pension in Slovenia?

The minimum qualifying period for an old-age pension is 15 years of relevant contribution. (Possible recognition of times spent in other EU countries see question A5).

B3. Are my times of pension insurance in Slovenia taken into account in other countries and vice versa?

The Institute (ZPIZ) is the competent institution and liaison body for the implementation of the entitlements under international social security regulations. As a competent institution, it conducts entitlement procedures for the insured who were members of the insurance schemes in Slovenia and abroad, and pays benefits abroad. As a liaison body in the field of pension and disability insurance it exchanges information on legislation with liaison bodies in other countries, reports statistical data and takes position regarding the implementation of bilateral international social security agreements.

In European Union international insurance is regulated by EU legislation on the coordination of social security systems (Regulation (EU) No 883/2004 and Regulation (EU) No 987/2009). These regulations apply to EU member states, Liechtenstein, Island, Norway and Switzerland. The Republic of Slovenia has concluded the following bilateral international agreements on social insurance with non-Member States:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Montenegro
  • Canada, a separate agreement with Quebec
  • Macedonia
  • Serbia

B4. Can I pay voluntary contributions in order to qualify for a pension?

Besides Compulsory Insurance the Act ZPIZ-2 comprises The Compulsory Supplementary Pension Insurance (or Occupational Retirement Provision) and The Voluntary Supplementary Pension Insurance as well.

B5. How high will my state pension entitlements acquired in Slovenia be?

In general, the amount of the state pension depends on the length of qualifying pension insurance period and on the level of personal incomes (net wages) in this period (best 24 yrs).

C. Nearing retirement

C1. When can I claim for my statutory pension in Slovenia?

When I fulfill two basic conditions (completed and combinated according to Act ZPIZ-2): i.e. required retirement age and the length of pension insurance period (minimum 15 yrs).

C2. Where do I apply for a pension if I do not live in Slovenia?

For the first approach the simpliest way is to use the information on ZPIZ’s homepage where you can find basic instructions

C3. Can I apply for a state pension in Slovenia if I’m still working in another country?

The answer in ‘No’. First you have to fulfill the conditions in that country you want to be pensionated. For Slovenian pension you are not allowed to work (or have double status).

C4. Does my work in another country affect my pension entitlements and the beginning of my retirement in Slovenia?

The Institute (ZPIZ) is the competent institution and liaison body for the implementation of the entitlements under international social security regulations. As a competent institution, it conducts entitlement procedures for the insured who were members of the insurance schemes in Slovenia and abroad, and pays benefits abroad. As a liaison body in the field of pension and disability insurance it exchanges information on legislation with liaison bodies in other countries, reports statistical data and takes position regarding the implementation of bilateral international social security agreements.

In European Union international insurance is regulated by EU legislation on the coordination of social security systems (Regulation (EU) No 883/2004 and Regulation (EU) No 987/2009). These regulations apply to EU member states, Liechtenstein, Island, Norway and Switzerland. The Republic of Slovenia has concluded the following bilateral international agreements on social insurance with non-Member States:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Montenegro
  • Canada, a separate agreement with Quebec
  • Macedonia
  • Serbia

C5. How will the pension be paid out?

Usually via bank system and in cash (on request).